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Mental Health in Your Workplace

  • 20 Feb 2025
  • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Virtual via Go To Webinar



Please note, registration for virtual attendance will close at 5 pm on Wednesday, February 19. 2025

We are pleased to announce our February program will be Mental Health in Your Workplace. This webinar will feature subject matter expert Jaime Corwin, PHR, SHRM-CP. This program will be a virtual and aligns with our program year theme: Beyond All Limits. 


Through prior programs and information shared from a research study conducted in March 2023 revealed many employees were experiencing low energy and exhaustion at the end of the workday, affecting their capacity to engage in activities outside of work. It has manifested itself in the workplace as increased levels of burnout and mental health challenges.

This program will explore what mental health in your workplace could look like. Jaime will share current statistics and other relevant data. She will discuss how to evaluate your strategy for your

specific business around mental health topics and potential initiatives while thinking about overall goals of the business and the cast of characters that may be involved in getting these plans off the ground. Understanding where a company "is at" around mental health today versus where they want to be down the road is key.  What resources do we have in place today and how could we expound upon those to enhance them?  Jaime will explain the relationship between positive organizational culture and mental health, effective communication and mental health, improved recruitment and retention strategies and mental health, increased productivity and mental health. She will discuss these dimensions and how a shift to a more mental health focused environment will involve change and will take time.  Strategies and tactics used to implement change and how you communicate with your leaders and your employees will be integral to success.


This program will provide HR professionals with a better understanding regarding:

  • signs and indicators of mental health issues in the workplace
  • strategies for developing a culture of empathy, trust, and accommodations while protecting privacy
  • the impact on mental health, the alignment of effective communication, recruitment, retention and positive work environment have
  • tools and resources available to assist in assessing the mental health of their workplace


This webinar is approved for 2 SHRM PDCs and 2 HRCI  Business credits. 




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