Easy! HRAGC is an organization full of HR professionals who are dedicated towards educating themselves to better their career, their organization, their employees, and their communities. By joining HRAGC you share in the opportunity to network and connect with amazing HR professionals in your area, share ideas, best practices, ask for help and advice, and further your career with the support of an HR community!
HRAGC does not discriminate memberships based on race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status. Memberships are individual and are not transferable to other individuals.
Professional Membership includes (a) individuals actively engaged in bona fide human resources administration who devote more than 50 % of their time to personnel or human resources management; and (b) faculty members holding an assistant, associate or full professor rank in personnel or human resources at an accredited college or university for at least 3 years.
Individuals who are Consultants, Vendors, or Attorneys in the fields of personnel and human resources, and who provide proof of SHRM membership. Affiliate Members have all the same rights and privileges as Professional Members. Consultants, Vendors, and Attorneys are not eligible for membership under any other membership category.
Individuals who are actively engaged in human resource administration or management less than 50% of the time. Associate members shall have the same rights and privileges as Professional members.
Individuals who are actively enrolled in a human resources degree, concentration, or certificate program at a college or university level and not currently an HR practitioner. Student members may not vote or hold an officer position in HRAGC.
Members who no longer qualify for membership due to unemployment [or graduation from an HR degree program] may continue as members through the current year plus one additional year. Members in transition may vote and hold office.